Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ok so I haven't blogged in some time... it seems like life has been so busy that I have put this to the bottom of my to do list and it never made it that far down the list. You think I could have found some time in all those snow days. However I just discovered I can do this from my phone so maybe you'll be seeing more of me. This whole blog thing started out with a quote for every day. I am going to give it another try. Since I have decided I either need a job or a hobby, I know that makes no since considering I just told you how busy I have been. But I need to do something for me no matter how busy I am. Any ideas?

My quote for the day is... was originally found scratched into a wall in Germany by someone hiding from Nazi conceration camps

I believe in the sun even when it's not shining...
in love even when I am alone...
and in God even when He is silent.


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